Everyday practices are: mediated and non-identical because of their immanence with regard to processes of social reproduction; they are non-identical because they are constituted by a social division of labour; they are mediated by accumulated violence; in both these ways,…
Read moreCapitalist wealth, because of its space bias toward expanding scale, is volatile. Not designed to serve human needs and only serves a narrow bandwidth of needs contingently and conditionally as a byproduct of its reproductive design. Whereas, common-wealth, insofar as…
Read moreTAKE SIX EGGS! I Common-wealth mediates social-ecological belonging (or not) but is itself mediated by common-being its sense, a veritable chicken and egg situation, mediation of mediation: intermediation. Put imperfectly and inexactly, reproductive human relationships with nature are always…
Read moreThis presentation decolonizes Marx’s critique of political economy by re-theorizing the centrality of colonialism, imperialism and patriarchal domination to historical and actually existing racial capitalism. Drawing on the work of Silvia Federici and social reproduction feminists, decolonization and postcolonial theorists…
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